Is this only for people abused by clergy?
No - MGN is for all those affected by abuse. This includes victims, their family and friends.
Don't most abused people go on to abuse others?
No, studies indicate that those abused generally do not go on to abuse others. However, the studies also show that most abusers and molesters have been abused themselves.
How can I help?
First and foremost, pray for the Maria Goretti Network and its members.
Second, start a local chapter.
If you're interested in starting a local chapter, please click here.
Finally, send donations.
I've been abused. Who can I talk to?
If this abuse has JUST happened, call 911 or your local law enforcement.
If this was a while ago, and you just need to talk:
call Miguel at 713-851-3708 any time, day or night