The Maria Goretti Network family reaches out to abuse victims, their families, and to those who support our recovery, with God's love as witnessed in the life of Maria Goretti.
MGN finds in Jesus Christ the source of true healing and forgiveness.
MGN recognizes that any form of abuse is evil.
MGN is a group committed to work for healing of individuals.
MGN encourages reporting all crimes of abuse to appropriate authorities.
MGN seeks to network all people of good will that can help in the process of healing the scars of abuse.
MGN feels division and bitterness are the fruits of sin, which can only be healed through love. We work with love to promote collaboration and respect with others who work to help the healing process.
MGN believes in justice for abusers. Forgiveness does not excuse the abuse, but encourages the abusers to accept responsibility for their actions and to change their lives.
MGN is an apostolate of committed Christian men and women. It is independently directed by its Board.
MGN is non-political and is committed to transparency and accountability.
MGN recognizes that the Church is established by Christ as His instrument for carrying the Good News to all people. This mission belongs to all people of God.