Welcome Statement:
Please note:
1. Meetings can be set up for women only, men only or both. Our MGN Espanol chapter in Houston is women only.
2. Two co-leaders who have a background or personal experience with abuse are required.
2. The 90-minute plan below is a suggestion. We find 90 minutes is the minimum amount of time needed for everyone to get a chance to speak. Meetings can be 20/20/20, 10/45/10, etc; Whatever works for the group is ok.
Chapter Meetings have three segments:
A 90 minute meeting may be segmented into 3, 30 minute segments:
30 minutes - Introduction and Sharing
30 minutes - Men’s and Women’s Groups
30 minutes - Discussion on forgiveness
Ground Rules of a Meeting
1. Everything said in the group is confidential and is never to be discussed outside a chapter meeting.
2. Please do not share with anyone the names or stories you learn outside this room. While individuals may choose to pray for others in the MGN Chapter, outside of Chapter meetings there is to be NO discussion of what people shared or of the circumstances of someone else's life.
3. Discussion of another person's journey is not appropriate unless that person is present and is specifically requesting input.
4. We share feelings and experiences that just are or were. There are no right or wrong statements. We make no judgments about anyone or anything.
5. Everyone knows what is best for herself or himself and therefore must take care of herself or himself during sessions. If, at any time, someone needs to leave or take a break they may do so.
6. The presence of everyone is appreciated and can be a source of healing for others. No one is required to speak during the sessions. Listening is a gift too!
7. Everyone actively listens to each person as she or he speaks (No Interruptions) with the idea of how this person's experience relates to her or his own. We focus on our own issues, feelings and recovery. We are committed to work on ourselves, and we avoid seeking distraction by trying to solve the problems of others.
8. Giving and asking for advice is not allowed. It is empowering and healing to for us to gather ideas that will benefit us. None of us are experts and none of us know what is best for another.
9. We respect each individuals right to set their own boundaries for physical contact with other members of the group. We will honor people’s request to not be hugged, and we will never pressure anyone into accepting physical contact. We will also respect and honor each individual's emotional and spiritual boundaries.
10. The meeting (usually 90 minutes long) is divided into the following three parts:
a. Introduction and initial sharing-everyone joins in
b. Men's and women's groups divide into two groups for personal sharing.
c. Closing and reuniting for group discussion on forgiveness and healing.
11. We welcome positive or negative feedback after the meeting.
12. MGN is committed to transparency and accountability. If there are any concerns about the action of leaders or the conducting of meetings, please contact Miguel Prats- Manager at 713-851-3708 or "[email protected]". Or MGN VP, Fr. Gavin Vaverek JCL at "[email protected]" or 903-571-7069.